Reserve Software Features

Flow Reservations is an internet application which allows you to create and manage your website content, trips, reservations and customers. Flow Reservations is web based and mobile friendly.
Available Packages
Flow Base Trips and Tours Package
Flow Base Trips and Tours Package is designed for companies that have single or multiple locations offering Trips guided or self run. Trips are created that can cover multiple rivers and trips types such as White Water Rafting or Canoes and Kayacks. Booking and Trip management for in-house and customer self reservation options.
Tour Package
- Multiple Locations
- River and Trip Options
- Inventory Control including Shuttle Buses
- Calendar and Scheduling
- Customer Management
- Reporting
Flow Base Rentals Package
Flow Base Rental Package is designed for companies whose main focus is on Rentals from a single or multiple location. Rentals can include Guided Tours and option included and vendor offered products and services. Would work well for Bicycle Rentals, Boat Rentals, Cabin Tent or Camping.
Rental Reservation Package
- Multiple Locations
- Tour Groups and Indivdiual Rentals
- Inventory Control including Shuttle and Hotels
- Calendar and Scheduling
- Guide Scheduling
- Customer Management
- Reporting
Flow Base Multiple Participant Payment
Flow Base Multiple Participant Package is designed for companies that offer Parties or Events. Combined Events together to create the Party with options to include in-house and vendor offered products and services. Public portal allows Coordinators and Participants to view Package, make multiple payments and sign waiver documents.
Party Package
- Tour or Party Packages
- Multiple Participant Registration
- Multiple Participant Payments
- Coordinator Access
- Document Signing and Storage
- Customer Management
- Reporting
Flow is for Small and Large Outfitters
Flow will handle the demands of large, high volume companies and it is affordable enough for small companies to use. The main advantage of Flow Reservations is its ability to transform your website into a powerful selling machine. With a new Flow Reservation website you'll have the tools to compete in today's online market.
Public and In-House Reservation Processing
Trips can be taken by phone or through the website. You control which Trips can be reserved on the website. Trip creation and setup are integrated with the Scheduling and Calendar tools. View available and reserved trips in day, week and month views. Add a Trip from Calendar View, Schedule View or by Trip. Reservations include Daily Limits per trip and over ride river limits, Minimum Quantities Skill Levels, Time to Cancel and Time to make Deposits controls each Reservation. Create entire seasons by Trip, enter date ranges, day inclusion and exclusion, meet times. The system will automatically creates the Trip Schedule from Trip setup.
Edit Reservations by adding or subtracting customers, trips and features. Multiple Trip check out on public reservation site.
Customers find Trips by viewing Calendar and View Trips pages. An Internet Wizard helps customers to search by date, trip, quantity and skill levels.
Mobile Responsive
All public online reservation pages are Responsive Mobile Friendly including calendar and trips views before checkout pages.
Trips and Combo Packages
Create Combination Trip Packages, Combined multiple trips together to create a Combination Package. Trips can be put together with various elements for each day. Day one could be a rafting trip on one river, day two could be a different river trip. Each day and trip can be created with individual limits and unqiue options to create a single Combination Trip. Options for trips can include tequired items such as life jackets, optional items such as cabin tents or sleeping bags and included options such as dinner, or breakfast can be attached to any trip.
Multiple Trip Types, Adult, Youth with variable pricing per Trip and Per Reservation.
Coupon options include percentage and dollar off. Groupon codes can be imported with connection to Groupon for management. Discount line in Reservation allows to adding any discount amount during phone reservations.
eCommerce and Photos
Offer gift shop items like t-shirts or mugs for sale within the Reservation Check Out process. Upload customer photos after each trip, Display thumbnail photos under Trip and Day for Customers to purchase and download or have shipped to the photos from their trip after they get home.
Multiple Locations
Allows for multiple locations and individual tax setup per location. Government and river fees.
Email and Text Messages
Email receipts and automated email configuration includes additional content per trip to provide unique information. Send Text reminders for upcoming Trips and/or receipts.
Waiver Documents
Terms and Waiver Documents are a part of the Online Checkout system. Manage terms and Waiver content within system. Online Signature capture will save the document with signature as pdf attached to Reservation. A stand alone webpage will collect all waivers for each participant before they arrive for their trip. System tracks and reports missing waiver documents.
Accept Credit Card Payments
Public reservation credit card processing uses, PayPal, Stripe, Cybersource and Netone Gateway services. Backend Flow can accept phone orders and record cash, checks, trade, vouchers, coupons or anything else you can think of!Rosters
Rosters reports are available for every day. Includes pertinent information for checking in your customers. Roster reports include options and can be customized per business.
Flow has multiple reporting for income, outstanding reservation balances, demographic and custom reporting.
Guide Scheduling
Guides setup and manage their availability and can access their schedules through a portal. Backend provides for the creation and drag and drop management of guides per trip through calendar views. Automatic notification to guides includes clocking in and out.
Integration Options
Full Website integration. Flow can be your entire website. Overlaying an existing website or development of a new website onto Flow will activate the CMS tools in the backend. Full integration includes image and video libraries, Slide shows, complete SEO management and Search Engine Friendly urls. Site Map Creations, 301 redirects work with Google Webmaster tools.
iFrame and API integration. Have your own website, Flow offers a stand alone Calendar, Trips Views and full reservation processing, link to the Calendar and Trip look up pages and place a book now link or buttons to each of your trip pages. iFrame options and API tools for Calendar and Trip View and are available for advanced developers.